Massachusetts Historical Society

教育 of Henry Adams

的 教育 of Henry Adams: A Centennial Version

Cover of 教育 of Henry Adams: Centennial Edition

Edited by Edward Chalfant 和 Conrad Edick Wright
542 pages, 7 x 10 (2007)
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press
$34.95 cloth ISBN: 978-0-934-909-91-4
论文·542页. · 7 x 10 · ISBN 9780934909938 · $19.2008年8月

Both a winner of the Pulitzer Prize 和 at the head of the Modern 图书馆's list of the 100 best English-language nonfiction books of the 20th century, 的 教育 of Henry Adams has long been revered as a great work of literature. Written by Adams in the third person, the book became known for founding a new genre best described as "an education"—an account not of life, but of learning. A tireless historian, 政治家, 和旅行, Adams was from first to last a dedicated learner capable of great originality.

虽然 的 教育 of Henry Adams has long been considered a classic, until now the only editions available were those from 1907 和 1918. 前, which appeared in Adams's lifetime, was a private printing of only 100 copies, containing hundreds of printer's errors 和 editorial inconsistencies. 后者, printed by the Massachusetts Historical Society 和 Houghton Mifflin Company after Adams's death in March of 1918, amounted to a wholesale modernization of Adams's work, leaving telling defects, including stylistic inconsistencies 和 incomplete sentences. 与 的 教育 of Henry Adams: A Centennial Version, editors Edward Chalfant 和 Conrad Edick Wright have at long last returned this celebrated book to the author's vision. Combining close attention to the private printing's typesetting 和 editorial shortcomings with valuable insights into the history of the book 和 Adams's reasons for writing it, they have also inserted marginal corrections by Adams in his working copies of the 1907 printing. 与 an introductory note, an invitation to readers, 和 a postscript, they have both traced the text's own story 和 offered a compelling interpretation of the author's motives.

Edward Chalfant is a Professor of English Emeritus at Hofstra University 和 the author of a trilogy on the life of Henry Adams: Both Sides of the Ocean; 更好的 在黑暗中; 和 Improvement of the World. Conrad Edick Wright is the Ford Editor of 出版物 at the Massachusetts Historical Society, where he has been on staff since 1985. He is the author or coauthor of three books, the editor or coeditor of seven collections of essays, 和 the project director for Sibley's Harvard Graduates Colonial Collegians: Biographies of Those Who Attended American Colleges before the War for Independence.

