
“快乐的童年黄金时光”: Marian Hooper's 1850 Sampler

Marian Hooper采样器 Cotton on linen

Marian Hooper采样器

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This monochromatic cross stitch sampler was worked by Marian Hooper of Boston and dated the day after her seventh birthday. 今天, little Marian is better remembered as 三叶草 Adams (1843-1885)—the tragic and talented photographer and wife of scholar, 历史学家, 小说家亨利·亚当斯.


Marian Hooper was born 13 September 1843, the third child of prominent Boston ophthalmologist Robert William Hooper and his wife Ellen Sturgis, the daughter of China trade merchant Captain William Sturgis and his wife Elizabeth Davis. 有一段时间, “三叶草” (her birth a "lucky" surprise for her doting parents) and her siblings Ellen, 被称为“内拉”,爱德华说。, 被称为“内德," led a charmed childhood--a lovely and loving home on Summer Street in Boston near the Common, summers at their grandfather Sturgis's place at Horn Pond in Woburn or Aunt Eunice Hooper's in Marblehead or Aunt Carrie Tappan's in Lenox. 不幸的是, 虽然, the tragedies and sadness that had plagued Ellen Sturgis's own family would not spare the Hoopers.
Hoping to salvage Ellen Hooper's failing health, in 1848 三叶草's parents and siblings travelled to Savannah, leaving 三叶草 in Boston with her Aunt Susan Bigelow and grandfather William Sturgis. In letters to reassure Ellen of her daughter's well-being, William Sturgis described 三叶草 as "hearty as a North Carolina pig (that eats more than it earns) and as healthy as a young Indian … she is certainly the best child in the world.“不幸的是, Ellen Hooper's health did not improve and the family returned to Boston where she died of consumption at the age of 36, leaving three children under the age of 11. Robert Hooper never remarried and 三叶草 and her siblings were raised with the assistance of the Hoopers' much-loved housekeeper 贝齐·怀尔德 他一直和博士在一起. 霍普的余生.


对于前几代女性来说, the completion of needlework samplers was an important demonstration of their academic attainments. While we don't know whether needlework was taught at Miss Houghton's school, 三叶草's sampler is very neatly and skillfully done. 在她年轻的时候, 克拉弗富有创造力, 欣赏戏剧, 绘画与写作, 还有针线活. Biographer Natalie Dykstra describes 三叶草 as "always" having "sewing in hand at the end of the day."
三叶草 was born into a family that valued education for women. Ellen Sturgis and her sisters had attended the boarding school of Elizabeth and Margaret Cushing in Hingham, where Ellen's favorite subject was Greek history. 三叶草 and her sister attended Miss Houghton's school in Boston and the prestigious Agassiz School in Cambridge where, 据她的祖父斯特吉斯说, 三叶草 was "a good scholar and excels too in all domestic and household matters."


According to biographer Otto Friedrich, "三叶草 Adams acquired and kept and left behind her a surprising number of Bibles," so it is not shocking to see the golden rule to "Love one another" included on 三叶草's sampler, but the phrase “快乐的童年黄金时光” is an intriguing choice. Al虽然 it could be seen as a statement of fact about a happy present, 在19世纪中期使用, the phrase is more commonly tied to loss and nostalgia. Two sentimental poems in the 1848 volume of Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art, and Fashion 演示链接. "The Return to Scenes of Childhood" by Gretta includes the stanza "Why come you back? 我们什么也不能给你, / no more the past is ours / Thine early scenes with thy blessings fraught / Thy childhood's golden hours." Lydia Sigourney's "访问 to Greenwood Cemetery" describes a child's explorations of cemeteries as "… sweet it was to me, in childhood's hours / ‘Neath every village church-yard shade to roam ….具体的短语, however (in a poem that seems peculiarly suited to 三叶草's situation), appeared in print mere months before 三叶草's sampler was complete in a poem called "The Past," by "Fanny" in The General Baptist Repository, 和传教观察员(1850年4月).

过去的! 这个世界充满了魔力
By which the coldest hearts are stirr'd
When roaming free in woodland bowers,
We dreamt that life was strewn with flowers,

过去的! 它诉说着逝去的欢乐;

过去的! 它使我们想起
Ere time had breathed his withering breath
Or friendship been dissolved by death,


Consult the following three published biographies for information about Marian “三叶草” Hooper Adams's complex and tragic life:

戴克斯特,娜塔莉. 三叶草 Adams: A Gilded and Heartbreaking Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

弗里德里希,奥托. 三叶草. 纽约:西蒙 & 舒斯特,1979.

Kaledin,尤金尼亚. 夫人的教育. 亨利•亚当斯. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981.

A selection of photographs by 三叶草 Adams and a brief biography are available on the 利记APP官网手机版的网站.

Manuscript collections at the Massachusetts Historical Society pertaining to the life of 三叶草 Adams include:


The Sturgis-Hooper Family Papers, 1785-1944