Object of the Month

Sarah Gooll Putnam Visits the Battle-scarred USS Kearsarge at the Charlestown Navy Yard

Sarah Gooll Putnam日记7,28-31页,1864年11月19日的手稿



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  • [ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

    In this 19 November 1864 diary entry, 波士顿少年Sarah Gooll Putnam描述了一次全家出游观看美国海军的经历 Kearsarge at the Charlestown Navy Yard.

    Inspecting "the ship that took the Alabama"

    On 8 November 1864, USS Kearsarge 在战胜邦联巡洋舰近五个月后抵达波士顿的查尔斯敦海军造船厂, CSS Alabama, off the coast of France on 19 June. Kearsarge 在它进行大规模维修的时候,是要让它的船员退役吗, but before that happened, 13岁的Sarah Gooll(“Sally”)Putnam和她的家人和朋友参观了这艘船.

    莎莉·普特南的插图日记有一种轻松愉快的节日气息:一个“快乐的老水手”——也许在一个青少年的眼中只是“老”,而“快乐”是因为他在长期漂浮服务后即将上岸——让聚会上的女士们和女孩们“跳了起来”,让她们上了船,然后带她们参观船上的机器,包括它的蒸馏装置,它可以把盐水净化到可以饮用的程度. 他们的向导还向游客们展示了海盗“阿拉巴马”号的炮弹击中我们的地方.莎莉描述并画了一幅详细的素描,她近距离地、有些令人震惊地检查了一场巨大的地震造成的破坏, unexploded shell that remained lodged in Kearsarge’s rudder post almost five months after the battle.

    The "Mortal Wound"

    Sally Putnam's illustration of the damage to the Kearsarge 鲁德尔的帖子是一个很好的例子,她如何使用她的插图来阐明她在日记中描述的内容. During the battle with Alabama, Kearsarge 在船尾被一枚巨大的爆炸炮弹击中,但没有爆炸,落在舵柱上. The Kearsarge 水手们把醋倒在引信上,使炮弹失效,然后把引信嵌入船体,航行了数千英里,最后抵达波士顿港,让莎莉·普特南(Sally Putnam)用一根碎片戳它. 到那时,正如莎莉所说,炮弹击中已经成为海军造船厂的看点. During later repairs, a section of the damaged rudder post was cut out, and--still containing the unexploded shell--put on display at the Navy Memorial Museum in Washington, but Sally, without planning to do so, 可能给我们留下了最准确的利记APP官网手机版破坏位置和程度的当代描述. After the Civil War, Raphael Semmes, the Confederate commander, claimed that had the shell exploded, it would have "mortally wounded" Kearsarge, and Alabama would have sailed on in triumph.

    Kearsarge 1865年4月1日重新服役,再次驶向欧洲,在战争的最后几个月里,它徒劳地追求 the Confederate ram Stonewall, a contemporary drawing of which illustrates a diary kept by William B. Gould, a Black Civil War sailor.

    Sally Putnam

    Sarah Gooll Putnam(1851-1912)长大后成为波士顿著名的肖像画家, 从1860年的感恩节开始,她开始写带插图的日记, when she was "9 and 1/2" years old, she demonstrated her marked aptitude for art. 直到1912年去世,她仍在继续写作,共计27卷. Putnam's diaries, 插图大约有400幅小水彩画和数百幅水墨画和漫画, chronicle her development as an artist.

    An Exhibition at the MHS and Online

    During building closures caused by the Covid epidemic, 马萨诸塞州历史学会在MHS网站上举办了一个名为 Our Favorite Things that brought together 45 historical documents, artifacts, and works of art selected by members of the MHS staff. In December 2021, as the Society reopened to visitors, 一些组成我们虚拟展览的实物, 以下是对在线展览工作人员的简短采访视频摘录, have been put on display.

    Often, 不止一个MHS工作人员选择了同一件物品作为“最喜欢的东西”,,但莎莉·帕特南的插图童年日记尤其受欢迎, chosen by three staff members. The 1865年4月,林肯总统被暗杀,这是她日记中的一段文字,显示了她对这一令人震惊的消息的反应 是虚拟展览“利记手机官网”的一部分,现在正在历史学会展出. 它不同于她更典型的,往往是幽默的插图,如旅游 Kearsarge, 但这并不是唯一一次与战争有关的事件扰乱了她的舒适, upper-class life in Boston.

    Further Reading

    Marvel, William. The Alabama & the Kearsarge: The Sailors Civil War. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

    威廉·马维尔不仅详细描述了 Alabama and Kearsarge 在他们前往瑟堡的远航中, 但是,每艘船的船员所保存的详细记录使他能够创作出一段深刻的内战期间普通水手的社会历史——莎莉·普特南在她的旅行中遇到的“快乐的老水手”的生活.

    叛乱战争中联邦和邦联海军的官方记录. 31 vols. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1894-1927.

    The official reports of the engagement between Kearsarge and Alabama are in Volume 3, p. 59-82, and p. 647-81. Available online from the HathiTrust.

    Pipkin, Erin. “惊人的承诺”:莎拉·古尔·普特南的艺术生涯." Massachusetts Historical Review. Vol. 3 (2001), p. 89-115.

    Putnam, Sarah Gooll. Sarah Gooll Putnam Diaries, 1860-1912.

    有关馆藏指南及数码部分的连结,可于以下网址下载: Sarah Gooll Putnam Diaries, 1860-1912 .

    Semmes, Raphael. 《利记APP官网手机版》. Baltimore: Kelly, Piet & Co., 1869.

    Available online from Google Books. Raphael Semmes, 他写了一篇利记APP官网手机版他在墨西哥战争期间在美国海军服役的广受欢迎的文章(他参加了陆军对墨西哥城的陆上战役) Kearsarge但是,他的成功之处却在于他那浪漫的描写 CSS Sumter and Alabama. 尽管莎莉·帕特南有当代证据证明塞姆斯的观点, but for a defective shell fuse, 他的船在与 Kearsarge, naval historians still argue over his claim.