
The 高尔夫球 Course that Might Have Been: Donald 罗斯 Designs 18 Holes for 乡村俱乐部 in Brookline

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This plan is a proposed design for a second 18-hole golf course at 乡村俱乐部 in Brookline, 质量. The plan was devised by famed golf course designer Donald J. 罗斯在1921年,但没有建成.


2022年6月,马萨诸塞州布鲁克莱恩(Brookline)的乡村俱乐部(乡村俱乐部)., will host the 122nd United States Open golf championship, marking the fourth time that the Club has hosted this major tournament. 高尔夫球, 然而, was not even a consideration when the Club was founded in 1882 by James Murray Forbes and a number of his well-heeled sporting friends. 一篇发表在 布鲁克林纪事报 阐明了这个羽翼未丰的俱乐部的目标

It is proposed to organize a Country Club at Clyde Park, and a number of gentlemen prominent in the clubs and social circles of Boston have issued a circular explaining the aims and objects of the club. The general idea is to have a comfortable clubhouse for the use of members with their families, 一个简单的餐馆, 卧室, 保龄球馆, 草地网球, 赛车场, 等.: also to have race meetings occasionally and music in the afternoon.

Forbes and his cohorts formally incorporated the club on 7 November 1882, signing a five-year agreement to rent the 100-acre Clyde Park site which featured a half-mile track, 有75匹马的马厩, and a “rambling but very picturesque building with a wide piazza.“俱乐部立即获得了成功, with over 400 people paying the entrance fee of $25 and annual dues of $30. 赛马, 越野障碍赛马, 一场现场猎狐拉开了俱乐部活动的序幕, 到1883年黏土鸽子射击, 草地网球, 槌球也加入其中. The club purchased the property in 1886 and three years later drained the infield of the racetrack oval to create a polo field. 在短短的几年里, 然而, these sports would be supplanted by the newly introduced game of golf.

“A nuisance … looked upon somewhat as the untouchables are in India”

The minutes of the Executive Committee of 乡村俱乐部 of 29 November 1892 record that “A letter from Mr. Laurence Curtis requesting that a 高尔夫球 Course be constructed was read. 投票:Arthur Hunnewell先生, Laurence Curtis and Robert Bacon be appointed as a Committee on 高尔夫球 and lay out the course and spend necessary amount up to $50.“到第二年春天, 这些人布置了一个六洞的球场, followed by three more; engaged a flock of sheep to keep the greens tidy; and soon hired Willie Campbell of Scotland as their first golf pro. 高尔夫球ers soon began to outnumber (and annoy) the horsemen and others at the club who viewed them

as disturbers of the very ethics on which this Club was founded … a nuisance … looked upon somewhat as the untouchables are in India. They were jumped upon by the Racing Committee for interfering with their course; the were jumped upon by the pigeon shooters. The Grounds Committee … thought us vandals if we wanted anything in the nature of trees cut down. … the wives of some of the members [complained] that we were corrupting the morals of the people of Brookline … by permitting the playing of golf on Sundays …

Nevertheless, golf had arrived at 乡村俱乐部 to stay. 乡村俱乐部 was one of five original founders of the United States 高尔夫球 Association and hosted its first major national tournament—the USGA National Amateur Championship for women—in 1902. 1913年,俱乐部举办了第一届美国足球锦标赛.S. Open, won by local phenom Francis Ouimette, a former caddy.


By 1920, 乡村俱乐部有700名高尔夫会员, 对于一个18洞的球场来说太多了,,根据当年的年报. 第二年, golfers asked that the Club purchase more land so that an additional 18-hole course could be constructed, 罗斯的计划很可能就是为此而制定的. 道格拉斯拥有的邻近地块, 罩, 丹麦人, and Lapham (incorporated into 罗斯’s plan) were offered to the Club for a total of $442,000 and a proposal for purchasing the acreage was introduced at the December 1921 meeting, encountering fierce opposition and disagreement among the members. Opponents cited the financial burden of acquiring the land, the potential for “radical change” in the membership should the number of members be increased to offset the costs, 甚至提出 减少 the number of members to “solve” the overcrowding (even though at the time, 俱乐部的等候名单上有数百人). 经过一番争吵, the membership authorized the purchase of smaller parcels in 1922 and 1923, 使俱乐部能够创建一个新的九洞球场.

唐纳德·J是谁?. 罗斯?

唐纳德·詹姆斯·罗斯出生在多诺克, 1872年的苏格兰, where he learned the game of golf and worked as a greenskeeper. 在著名的圣. 安德鲁斯高尔夫球场, 罗斯 decided to move to the United States where he began working at the Oakley Country Club in Watertown, 质量. 不久之后, he accepted a position as Director of 高尔夫球 at Pinehurst, 北卡罗来纳州的一个新兴度假胜地, 他作为高尔夫球场设计师的事业开始腾飞. 罗斯 would eventually design or remodel some 400 private and 公共 courses across the country.

Although his design for Brookline’s course was never realized, there are about 50 golf courses designed by 罗斯 in 质量achusetts alone. 对于那些没有私人俱乐部会员资格的人, 公共 Donald 罗斯 courses in the state include Bass River in S. 雅茅斯,威廉J. 在富兰克林公园的Devine课程, 海德公园的乔治·赖特高尔夫球场, 牛顿英联邦, 蓬卡帕格在广州, 以及新贝德福德的捕鲸城.


阿诺德,大卫. “乡村俱乐部内部,” 波士顿环球报杂志9月. 19, 1991.

卡普斯,我是埃尔默·奥斯古德. 乡村俱乐部百年历史,1882-1982 布鲁克莱恩:乡村俱乐部,1981年.

达,迈克. “人群:波士顿精英乡村俱乐部内幕”9月. 11, 2018.


“The 唐纳德·罗斯协会 was founded in 1989 to promote the recognition of Donald 罗斯, the excellence of his golf architecture and the preservation and restoration of the golf courses he designed. This site maintains a list of 罗斯’s designs as well as links to other historical materials.”

德里斯科尔,罗恩. “Everything Old is New Again in Return to 乡村俱乐部”12月. 7, 2021.

王,布拉德. “唐纳德·罗斯在美国的历史,” 链接杂志.