ca. 1860-1880

Guide to the 照片graph 科尔ection

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 这个系列是彩色数码的 facsimiles (see links below).

科尔ection Summary


这个利记手机官网包含tintype, ambrotype和albumen 马萨诸塞志愿军第54步兵团士兵和军官的画像 团,内战期间第一个来自北方的黑人团,以及 该团的军营、战斗和旗帜的照片.

科尔ection Description

这个集锦包含了马萨诸塞志愿军第54步兵团的照片 团,内战期间在北方组建的第一个黑人团. 他们 were collected by Capt. 路易斯·F. 埃米利奥,该团E连长. 的 photos date from ca. 1860 to ca. 1880年,包括锡版和一个双面版 该团的非裔美国人成员,以及其白蛋白照片 officers, including Robert Gould Shaw. 还有该团的照片 military camps at Jacksonville, Fla. 博福特,希尔顿黑德岛,福利岛, and Morris 岛,年代.C.,还有乔治亚州麦卡利斯特堡的照片 1863年对莫里斯岛瓦格纳堡的围攻. One photograph that depicts the flags of the 第54质量. 志愿军步兵团有原始旗帜的碎片 附加. 照片graphers include George S. 烹饪 and 哈斯 & 皮尔; most of the photographers are unidentified.


这个利记手机官网是按格式排列的:tintypes(按字母顺序排列)在一个 pamphlet box; ambrotype (stored apart from the collection in 照片. 科尔. 2, Ambrotype collection); and albumen photographs in one oversize box (listed in the original order in which Capt. 路易斯·F. 埃米利奥把它们粘在大张的 纸).

Acquisition 正or垫ion

第54马萨诸塞志愿军步兵团从 马萨诸塞州第五十四志愿步兵团,玛丽·西尔斯比送的礼物 埃米利奥在1920年的马萨诸塞州历史学会.

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 这个系列是彩色数码的 facsimiles (see links below).


所有的铭文都在路易斯·F. 埃米利奥.

这个收藏中的照片已经digitized了. 点击 下面的照片编号访问数字图像.

箱1#72.1 digitized
Arnum, Charles H., 1864. Private, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的 (Morris 岛,年代.C.).锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

锡纸背面铭文:“在莫里斯拍摄的照片副本. in 1864. / Pvt. 底盘H. Arnum有限公司. E. North Adams. 道具. 路易斯·F. 埃米利奥."

箱1#72.2 digitized
Brown, Abraham F. (d. 1863), ca. 1862-1863. Private, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的 (Readville, Mass.).锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

锡纸背面铭文:“意外中枪身亡,而 cleaning the arm July 12, 1863. at James 岛,年代.C. Probably taken at Readville, M [inscription torn off]."

箱1#72.3 digitized
Brown, Abraham F. (d. 1863), ca. 1862-1863. Private, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

锡版背面铭文:“亚伯拉罕·布朗私人公司. E. Shot himself accidently July 12 '63 道具 of L. F. 埃米利奥."

箱1#72.4 digitized
戈马,理查德,戴着大军的徽章 共和国, ca. 1880. Private, Co. H.照片grapher 未知的.锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

锡纸背面的铭文:“理查德·戈默或戈麦斯,正如他所写的。. Pvt. 公司H. Cedar Rapids 251 S. 8日圣. 爱荷华州."

中列出的 马萨诸塞州的士兵、水手和海军陆战队员 in the Civil War (酒吧. 1931-1937) as "Gomar, Richard."

箱1#72.5 digitized
Goosberry, John, ca. 1865. Musician, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

锡纸背面铭文:“音乐家约翰·古斯贝里公司. E. 第54质量. 道具erty of L. F. 埃米利奥."

箱1#72.6 digitized
Johnson, Alexander H., ca. 1863-1865. Musician, Co. C.照片grapher 未知的.锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

锡纸背面铭文:“Alex H. Johnson Musician Co. C 第54质量. 正. 从另一侧. Homans."

箱1#72.7 digitized
Netson, William J., ca. 1863-1864. Musician, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

Inscription on back of tintype: "Wm J. Netson Mus. Co. E. Return to L. F. 埃米利奥."

箱1#72.8 digitized
史密斯, Charles A., ca. 1880. Private, Co. C.照片grapher 未知的.锡版照相法.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 19).

Inscription on back of tintype: "Pvt. 底盘. A. 史密斯. Co. C. 道具erty of L. F. 埃米利奥."

箱1#2.162 digitized#72.9
Steward, Henry F., 1863. Sergeant, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.手工着色的四分之一版木纸双面模版 垫.移至特别收藏(微型柜), drawer 22/Daguerreotypes).

也被称为交替拼写:“亨利F. 斯图尔特."

OS 箱1#72.10 digitized
Shaw, Robert Gould (1838-1863), ca. 1863. 上校.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.11 digitized
Hallowell, Edward N. (d. 1871), ca. 1863-1865. 上校, Co. B.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.12 digitized
Hooper, Henry Northey, ca. 1865. Lieutenant 上校.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.13 digitized
Appleton, John W. M., ca. 1863-1864. 专业,公司. A.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.14 digitized
Pope, George, ca. 1863-1865. 专业,公司. I.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.15 digitized
Halton, James M., ca. 1863-1865. 主要.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.16 digitized
Stone, Lincoln R., ca. 1863-1865. 外科医生.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.17 digitized
Briggs, Charles E., ca. 1863-1865. 外科医生.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.18 digitized
Brigham, C. A., ca. 1863-1865. Assistant 外科医生.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.19 digitized
Pease, Giles M., ca. 1863-1865. Assistant 外科医生.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.20 digitized
Radzinsky, Louis D., ca. 1863-1865. Assistant 外科医生.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.21 digitized
Treadwell, Joshua B., ca. 1861-1864. Assistant 外科医生.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.22 digitized
Appleton, Thomas L., ca. 1863-1865. 队长.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.23 digitized
Bridge, Watson W., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.24 digitized
Chipman, Charles G., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. D.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.25 digitized
Emerson, Edward B., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.26 digitized
埃米利奥, 路易斯·F. (b. 1844), ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.27 digitized
Grace, James W., ca. 1860. 队长, Co. A和Co. C.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.28 digitized
Homans, William H., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. A.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.29 digitized
Howard, Willard, ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. H和Co. I.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.30 digitized
James, Garth W., ca. 1860. 队长, Co. G.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.31 digitized
Jewett, Richard H. L., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. K.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.32 digitized
James, Edward L., ca. 1863-1865. 队长.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.33 digitized
Joy, Charles F., ca. 1864-1865. 队长, Co. F和Co. I.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.34 digitized
Reed, Lewis, ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. F和Co. K.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.35 digitized
Russel, Cabot J., ca. 1863. 队长, Co. H.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.36 digitized
Simpkins, William H., ca. 1863. 队长, Co. K.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.37 digitized
Tucker, Charles E., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. H和Co. I.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.38 digitized
Willard, Samuel, ca. 1863. 队长, Co. B.照片grapher 未知的.

照片下面的题词是:“上校. Samuel Willard (Mann)."

OS 箱1#72.39 digitized
Cousens, Joseph E., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. E.Copy photograph, original taken by J. S. Variell.
OS 箱1#72.40 digitized
Partridge, David A., ca. 1863-1865. 队长.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.41 digitized
史密斯, Orrin E., ca. 1863-1864. 队长 Co. G.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.42 digitized
Newall, Robert R., ca. 1863-1865. 队长, Co. B.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.43 digitized
Duren, Charles M., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. D.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.44 digitized
Hallett, Charles A., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.45 digitized
Higginson, Francis L., ca. 1863-1864. Lieutenant, Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.46 digitized
伦纳德. 安德鲁·W., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. K.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.47 digitized
Littlefield. 亨利·W., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. H和Co. K.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.48 digitized
Ritchie, John, ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.49 digitized
Rogers, Frederick E., ca. 1864-1865. Lieutenant, Co. A.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.50 digitized
Spear, Daniel G., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. E.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.51 digitized
Stevens, Edward L., 1864. Lieutenant, Co. H.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.52 digitized
Tomlinson, Ezekial G., ca. 1863-1864. Lieutenant, Co. I.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.53 digitized
Whitney, William L., Jr., ca. 1864-1865. Lieutenant, Co. G.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.54 digitized
Bridgham, Charles B., ca. 1863-1864. Lieutenant.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.55 digitized
Conant, John H., ca. 1865. Lieutenant, Co. A和Co. B.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.56 digitized
Edmands, Benjamin B., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.57 digitized
Jewett, Charles, Jr., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.58 digitized
Johnston, Alexander, ca. 1863. Lieutenant, Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.59 digitized
Knowles, Alfred H., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. A.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.60 digitized
McDermott, William, ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. I和Co. K.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.61 digitized
Pratt, James Albert, ca. 1863-1864. Lieutenant, Co. G.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.62 digitized
Swails, Stephen A., ca. 1863. Lieutenant, Co. D和Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.63 digitized
Tilden, Joseph, ca. 1860. Lieutenant, Co. H.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.64 digitized
Vogelsang, Peter, ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. H.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.65 digitized
Helster, Fred H., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.66 digitized
Welch, Frank M., ca. 1863-1865. Lieutenant, Co. F.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.67 digitized
Wilder, John, ca. 1863. Lieutenant.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.68 digitized
Dexter, Benjamin F., ca. 1863-1864. Lieutenant, Co. C.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.69 digitized
Hunter, David, ca. 1863-1865. 主要-一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.70 digitized
Strong, George C., ca. 1863-1865. 主要-一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.71 digitized
Hawley, Jos. R., ca. 1863-1865. 一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.72 digitized
Gillmore, Quincy A., ca. 1863-1865. Brigadier-一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.73 digitized
Terry, Alfred Howe, ca. 1863-1865. 一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.74 digitized
Seymour, Truman, ca. 1863-1865. 一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.75 digitized
Saxton, Rufus, ca. 1863-1865. Brigadier-一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.76 digitized
Hatch, John P., ca. 1863-1865. 一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.77 digitized
Foster, John G., ca. 1863-1865. 一般.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.78 digitized
90名内战军官(大多数身份不明)的副本照片, n.d.Possibly taken by George S. 烹饪.

照片背面题词:“来自Geo拥有的照片板. S. 烹饪, photographer, 913 E. 主圣., Richmond, Va., purchased by me in March 1895, i.e. 这张照片,在弗吉尼亚州里士满看到的车牌,当在1月. 1895 - L. F. E."

OS 箱1#72.79 digitized
马萨诸塞州第54志愿军步兵团和第1 围攻瓦格纳堡的纽约工程师,莫里斯岛,南.C., 1863.Taken by 哈斯 & 皮尔.
OS 箱1#72.80 digitized
马萨诸塞第54志愿军步兵团的成员们 Wagner, Morris 岛,年代.C., after its capture, 1863.Taken by 哈斯 & 皮尔.
OS 箱1#72.81 digitized
Military camp at Folly 岛,年代.C., ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.82 digitized
“瓦格纳之前的海滩,莫里斯岛,” ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.83 digitized
"莫里斯岛瓦格纳堡的服装游行" ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.84 digitized
“莫里斯岛的瓦格纳堡内部” ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.85 digitized
"Gun on Morris Island," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.86 digitized
"Old Beach House, Morris Island," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.87 digitized
"Camp [at] Folly Island," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.88 digitized
"Camp of Lieut. Col. Hall on Folly Island," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.89 digitized
"愚蠢岛上邦联囚犯的栅栏" ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.90 digitized
"Port Royal House, Hilton Head, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.91 digitized
"军队 Pier at Hilton Head," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.92 digitized
"Transport steamer Fulton," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.93 digitized
"Steamer 内尔y Baker," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.94 digitized
"Beaufort Hotel, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.95 digitized
"Arsenal, Beaufort, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.96 digitized
"Episcopal Church, Beaufort, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.97 digitized
“学校教师公寓,博福特,S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.98 digitized
"Bay Street, Beaufort, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.99 digitized
"Siege Guns, Beaufort, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.100 digitized
"Camp, 1st N.Y. Engineer near Beaufort," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#71.101 digitized
"Camp in Florida," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.102 digitized
"Street in Jacksonville, Florida," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.103 digitized
"Navy Machine Shop, Navy Point, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.104 digitized
"S. A. Cooley outfit, Port Royal," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.105 digitized
“佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔军需仓库,” ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.106 digitized
"Fort McAllister, Georgia," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.107 digitized
"[Charleston?] - Charleston, S.C.," ca. 1863-1864.照片grapher 未知的.
OS 箱1#72.108 digitized
马萨诸塞州第54志愿军步兵团的三面旗帜, ca. 1894.照片grapher 未知的.


照片上的题词:“第54面国旗的一部分/ -来自- /夫人. [illegible] Homans, Jan 17, 1894."

Preferred Citation

第54马萨诸塞志愿军步兵团照片,图片. 科尔. 72, 马萨诸塞州历史学会照片档案馆.

Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 阿比盖尔, the online 马萨诸塞州历史学会的目录. Researchers desiring 垫erials 利记APP官网手机版相关人员、组织或主题,应使用本目录进行检索 these headings.


烹饪, George S. (George 史密斯), 1819-1902, photographer.
埃米利奥, 路易斯·F. (路易斯·Fenollosa), b. 1844.
Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863--照片graphs.


哈斯 & 皮尔, photographers.
United States. 军队. African American troops--照片graphs.
United States. 军队--Flags--照片graphs.
United States. 军队. Massachusetts 正antry Regiment, 54th (1863-1865)--照片graphs.


African American soldiers--Massachusetts--照片graphs.
Beaufort (S.C)--照片graphs.
Folly Island (S.C. : Island)--照片graphs.
Fort McAllister (Ga. : Fort)--照片graphs.
Fort Wagner (S.C.)--照片graphs.
Hilton Head Island (S.C.)--照片graphs.
Jacksonville (Fla.)--照片graphs.
Military camps--照片graphs.
Morris Island, Battle of, S.C., 1863 (July 10-September 7)--照片graphs.
Port Royal (S.C.)--照片graphs.
Portrait photographs.
United States--History--Civil War, 1863-1865--Flags--照片graphs.
United States--History--Civil War, 1863-1865——参与,非裔美国人——照片.
United States--History--Civil War, 1863-1865--照片graphs.