
Guide to the Collection

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Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 这个系列是彩色数字复制品(见下面的链接)。.

马萨诸塞州协会反对进一步扩大妇女选举权的记录 存储在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. Researchers 需要六件以上的非现场储存物品应该提供额外的预付款 notice. 如果您对从场外仓库索取材料有疑问,请 contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


这本文集包括马萨诸塞州协会的记录 反对进一步扩大妇女选举权,包括行政、教育和 Organization Committee minutes; secretary's and annual meeting reports; miscellaneous correspondence; lectures; and printed material. Also included are an institutional history, 选举权运动的立法史,以及其他有关选举权运动活动的文件 founders.

Historical Sketch

马萨诸塞州协会反对进一步扩大妇女选举权 founded in May 1895 by Mrs. J. Eliot Cabot, Mrs. C. E. Guild, Mrs. Henry O. Houghton, Elizabeth 约翰逊,科妮莉亚·贝利斯·洛厄尔,凯特·甘尼特·韦尔斯,玛格丽特·格林·惠特尼. Prior to the 马萨诸塞州协会的成立反对进一步扩大选举权 妇女,有组织的反对马萨诸塞州选举权运动的妇女包括 an anti-suffrage committee formed in 1882. 它的主要功能是为 “抗议”反对“把任何进一步的政治责任强加给妇女”." These “抗议书”被分发,以抵消妇女参政论者的请愿.

In 1890, The Remonstrance, the official organ of the 马萨诸塞州的反选举权运动,由反选举权委员会首次出版. It 每年出版一次,直到1908年改为季刊. In 1914, its title was lengthened to The Remonstrance Against Woman Suffrage.

马萨诸塞州协会最终反对进一步扩大妇女选举权 更名为马萨诸塞州妇女反选举权协会. By 1915, the 协会有近37000名会员,总部设在博伊尔斯顿的肯辛顿大厦 Street, Boston. 成员们的活动(由主席总结)是:1) furnish material to the press; 2) publish leaflets and pamphlets; and 3) work with the Men's 反选举权委员会组织集会,安排演讲者,维护反选举权 在波士顿和其他城市开设商店,并进行宣传工作.

Collection Description

这些资料包括行政记录、各种委员会会议记录、 讲座和报告、信件、有关该组织历史和发展的材料 选举权运动的立法史,以及少量杂项印刷品. 还有Talcott Williams, Felix Adler和Emmeline G的演讲记录. Pankhurst. 也有英文译本(手稿) Frauenstimmrecht (Woman Suffrage) by Fr. Sigismund, Leipzig, Dieterichsche Verlagsbachhandlung, T. Weischer, 1912.

Acquisition Information

这件收藏品是史密斯夫人的遗产馈赠. Randolph Frothingham, May 1946.

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 这个系列是彩色数字复制品(见下面的链接)。.

马萨诸塞州协会反对进一步扩大妇女选举权的记录 存储在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. Researchers 需要六件以上的非现场储存物品应该提供额外的预付款 notice. 如果您对从场外仓库索取材料有疑问,请 contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Other Formats

该系列也可作为彩色数字传真和缩微胶卷,p - 815,5卷.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Volumes, 1899-1913digital content


Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 1digitized
digitizedReports of the Executive Committee, 1899-1903 (Vol. 1)
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 2
从执行委员会报告中删除的松散项目; 1899-1903
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 3digitized
digitizedReports of the Executive Committee, 1903-1908 (Vol. 2)
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 4digitized
digitizedReports of the Executive Committee, 27 Mar. 1908-10 Feb. 1911 (Vol. 3)
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 5
从执行委员会报告中删除的松散项目; 27 Mar. 1908-10 Feb. 1911
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 6digitized
digitizedReports of the Executive Committee, 1911-1913 (Vol. 4)
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 7
从执行委员会报告中删除的松散项目; 1911-1913
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 8digitized
digitizedReports of the Education Committee, 1899-1908
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 9digitized
digitizedJournal of the Organization Committee, 1900-1909
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digitizedSecretary's Book, 1901-[1910]
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 11
Loose items removed from Secretary's Book, 1901-[1910]
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 12digitized
digitizedJournal of the Mass. Anti-Suffrage Association, 1902-1904
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 13
Loose items removed from Journal of the Mass. Anti-Suffrage Association, 1902-1904
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 14digitized
digitizedWoman Suffrage by Prof. Dr. Fr. Sigismund (139 pages in manuscript)
Carton 1SH 14X2 %Folder 15
Loose items removed from Woman Suffrage by Prof. Dr. Fr. Sigismund

II. Loose papers, 1894-1920digital content

Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 1digitized
digitizedHistories of the organization, 1906-ca. 1919

Legislative history of the suffrage movement, 1896-1917digital content

Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 2digitized
digitized各州立法时间表、记录、报告、笔记等., 1896-1915
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 3digitized
digitized向立法委员会致辞辞、聆讯记录、 1901-1905
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 4digitized
digitizedLetters to committees of the Mass. Legislature, transcripts of hearings, etc., 1904-1914
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 5digitized
digitized选举事务委员会就第130号决议举行的聆讯实录 1917

Executive Committee meeting minutes, 1901-1920digital content

Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 6digitized
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Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 9digitized
digitizedJan.-17 Apr. 1914
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digitized22 Apr.-Dec. 1914
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digitizedJan.-May 1915
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 12digitized
digitizedJune-Dec. 1915
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Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 17digitized
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 18digitized
digitizedEducation Committee meeting minutes, 1896-1899

教育及组织委员会会议记录; 1909-1919digital content

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Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 28digitized
digitizedAnti-suffrage committee materials, 1894
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 29digitized
digitizedMiscellaneous correspondence, 1895-1910
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 30digitized
digitizedFelix Adler lectures, 1897
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 31digitized
digitizedPreamble for meetings, 1897; lists of meetings, 1915
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digitizedMrs. Pankhurst meeting, 1909 (transcript of lecture)
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digitizedTalcott Williams address, 1911
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digitizedPress work, 1911-1914
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 35digitized
digitizedVotes by district, 1915
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digitizedOrganizer's reports, 1918-1919

Printed material, 1895-1915digital content

Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 37digitized
digitizedBy-laws, 1895-1910
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digitizedLists of members, 1905-1915
Carton 2SH 14X1 +Folder 39digitized
digitizedBroadsides, petitions, notices, etc., 1895-1910

Preferred Citation

马萨诸塞州协会反对进一步扩大妇女选举权的记录, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Cabot, J. Eliot, Mrs.
Guild, Mary L.
Houghton, Helen.
Johnson, Elizabeth.
Lowell, Cornelia Baylis.
Wells, Kate Gannett, 1838-1911.
Whitney, Margaret Green.
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 1858-1928.
Sigismund, Fr.
Williams, Talcott, 1849-1928.




Women's rights.
Women--Societies and clubs.